 I have been poking around the NetBeans code and had a request/idea.NetBeans is 
a good size codebase and there is a lot of history in the code. One of the 
challenges with such a large code base is that adding features or fixing 
defects can be daunting. Where is the code for feature X, why was it 
implemented this way, what are the ripple effects of changes, what approach 
wasn’t taken but which should be taken, what tests need to be re-run etc.

I’d like to propose:
 1. Construct a list of individuals that have special knowledge for the 
different modules (basically a goto list for deep questions).
 2. Mentoring to help new developers work on the code base and implement/fix 
defects (provide guidance).
 2. Organize training sessions (virtually or at conferences) to ramp up new 
developers on the core NetBeans IDE code base. Go over the code structure, what 
algorithms and were used and why, where are the skeletons, etc.

 Sitting through the keynote at J1 when Brian Goetz was going over the new 
features in the language I was wondering how one would know where to look to 
implement these changes (and not break something). How would you decompose a 
new language feature into a list of tasks in the IDE code base.


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