Hi all,

(and possibly mentors in particular)

As a module reviewer I'm uncertain/confused about how to deal with 3rd
party libraries.

Here's how I understand it:  An Apache release need to comply with certain
standards, one of them being that any bundled 3rd party binary must be duly
vetted. We can't have a build process where we collect 3rd party binaries
from just about any location on the internet. So far so good. Understood.
But what does it mean practically?

Reading the various e-mails it seems that for our release process to be
approved, we must limit the location from where we fetch 3rd party libs to
the following:

* Apache's own Maven repo
* Maven Central, but only if the project of the 3rd party lib is an Apache
* The project's VCS  (we are trying to avoid this solution)
* A location fully under the project's control, e.g. like

Note the things NOT on the list.

Can anyone summarize/conclude here?



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