
I'm trying to build NB inside NB. When using standard build process ("Clean and Build project" from Toolbar), the result shown in Output window is: ant -f /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/nbproject/nbjdk.xml localclean bootstrap
Duplicated project name in import. Project jdk defined first in /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/nbproject/jdk.xml and again in /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/jdk.xml
Deleting directory /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans
Duplicated project name in import. Project jdk defined first in /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/nbproject/jdk.xml and again in /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/jdk.xml
Created dir: /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/build/antclasses
Compiling 4 source files to /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/build/antclasses
Bootstrapping NetBeans-specific Ant extensions...
Compiling 85 source files to /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/build/antclasses
Building jar: /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/build/nbantext.jar
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)

It just seems like there hasn't been anything compiled other than some classes needed for ant.

When I try to use the "all" target from build xml, I keep getting errors (those described in previous posts).

Also, the "tryme" target fails:
ant -f /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild tryme
sh: /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/platform/lib/nbexec: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/home/peter/incubator-netbeans/nbbuild/build.xml:1053: exec returned: 127
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

However, "ant all" works from the command line, so it's problem with the environment provided within the IDE. I've noticed, NetBeans insists in having a folder "java-8-openjdk/jre/classes", which is not available. After creating it as an empty directory, it seems the extension libraries are found now, but I still get compilation errors, probably forked compilation processes don't work correctly (using default platform Java 9 instead of Java 8).

So, currently I've got two bugs:
[1] Java platform initialized incorrectly: Only existing folders should be added (the non-existing classes folder seems to block import of folders following this entry). [2] Some forks use default java compiler, which is ususally now Java 9 in NetBeans IDE.

Further, the following should be added to the README file:
It's possible to add a "user.build.properties" file with the following possible entries:
(1) nbjdk.home=/path/to/jdk8
(2) run.validation=false  # only needed in case of uncommitted local changes

Further, the build script still contains references to Mercurial, like "-hg-clean". These should be removed; it would be great, if these could be documented like a tutorial (what problems do they solve etc.) and contributed to the Apache Ant project.

Kind regards

Am 06.01.2018 um 00:54 schrieb Antonio:

I have been successfully compiling with OpenJDK 8 for several months now (I don't have Oracle JDK8 installed in my preferred box, nor JavaFX).

Make sure that:

a) JAVA_HOME is either _NOT_ set or set to a proper OpenJDK8 place.
(run "unset JAVA_HOME" if unsure, "echo $JAVA_HOME" to check)

b) Add a OpenJDK8 java binary to your PATH
In my case:
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)


P.S.: I don't set any "nbjdk.bootclasspath" nor any other weird things.
I also have Java 9 installed, when I want to run with Java 9 I use:
./nbbuild/netbeans/bin/netbeans --jdkhome /THE/PATH/TO/jdk-9.0.1/

On 05/01/18 15:44, Peter Nabbefeld wrote:


I'm getting "/home/peter/incubator-netbeans/core.network/src/org/netbeans/core/network/proxy/pac/impl/ClassFilterPacHelpers.java:21: error: package jdk.nashorn.api.scripting does not exist", when trying to build NetBeans from incubator repository.

Value of "nbjdk.bootclasspath" is:

I tried to edit project.xml, adding the missing jar files, but got another problem:
Created dir: /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/libs.jsr223/build/classes
Compiling 1 source file to /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/libs.jsr223/build/classes
error: Source option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
error: Target option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.

As libs.jsr223 is dummy only, it just should be removed, if possible.

And more of this:
Compiling 8 source files to /home/peter/incubator-netbeans/openide.util.enumerations/build/classes
error: Source option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
error: Target option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use

Why are those outdated targets set?

And, because it seems others don't have the same problems: Is the repository url "https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans.git"; correct?

Kind regards

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