Am 21.03.2018 um 03:05 schrieb cowwoc:
Windows has a concept of "global" installs vs "user specific" installs. The former goes into "c:\program files". The latter goes into c:\users\xxx\AppData.

Netbeans is kind of odd in that it installs into the global location, but uses user-specific directories for data. It probably makes sense to ask users whether they want global vs user-specific installs and then keep the data in each respective location (instead of crossing the wires).
This does not work for us. At work we are not allowed to install any user-specific Applications, so the IDE is installed into the "global" "Program Files" Folder. But the user has no right to write at that localtion, so every user-specific data has to be written into a folder where the user has write access.

As Emilian pointed out at [1] is an explanation of why these folders are where these folders are today. And this is exactly what we need at work, exept, that we start with an explicit --userdir outside the userprofile. We use "roaming profiles" where the "%LOCALAPPDATA%" is excluded from sync so we start with a fresh cache on every login.

But I would like to see the "Cache Control"-Feature build in somehow into the IDE.




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