On Fri, 20 Apr 2018 22:01:48 +0200
Kai Uwe Pel <kaiuwe...@asia.com> wrote:

> Just wondering...  for example, if you need to coding with C++, the
> only way to get decent C/C++ support within the IntelliJ IDEA is to
> use/buy JetBrains CLion.
> Anyway NetBeans IDE supports everything in one, and you no need to
> have all possible features like IntelliJ. Simple said!

Lately I do more C in Netbeans than Java. It has good support for
CMake, my preferred C build system. Not really on the Meson bandwagon.
Only bits I am eager to see Oracle release :)

Oracle/Sun always used Netbeans for much more than Java. It was the
foundation for their other products for C/C++ and Fortran/
It has had a stupid amount of names/rebranding...

Netbeans + Commercial stuff

William L. Thomson Jr.

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