Hey guys,

please see my last 3 comments of this ticket. It explains, why it is important 
to have public APIs instead of Friends: 

The Thing is, no one know, what other nice Plugins will come in the future, but 
everytime, someone creates a Plugin which Needs to be friend, depends on only 
the next release that someone adds it. That means, that this Plugin will first 
work only for the next release, if someone decided to add this Plugin as a 
friend. Same happens for every other Plugins that Comes later.

It is not that everytime a user want to use the newest IDE, often someone stays 
at the IDE if there is Nothing really new for him/her to Change update. That 
means, that he/she could miss the Plugin, if it is relevant for him. In this 

And what happens, if someone removes the Plugin as a friend? That happens for 
Geertjans KendoUI Plugin. The Plugin worked some versions before, not now 
anymore, because it was removed from being a friend.

Making APIs public makes much more sense for 3rd-party Plugin developers. I 
think HTML, JS, CSS, C/C++ PHP and whatever is there is stable enough for years 
to say: yes, make them public. And will there some exceptions, that the devs 
figure out, someone can fix it Maybe as a patch or for the next release, which 
is acceptable.



Von: Laszlo Kishalmi
Gesendet: Sonntag, 23. September 2018 04:45
An: dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Public vs. Friend API Reloaded (Summary)

Hi all,
This list is what we have inside the current codebase (Without Yenta on other 
I put those here which have 10+ friend marked. (The complete list is attached)
Upon this list it could be a good choice to try make the following public 
(maybe for NetBeans 10):
• gsf.testrunner
• gsf.testrunner.ui
I know that a few external language plugins are using those as well, and the 
API is quite a good shape anyway.
What do you think?
Generated using: find . -name project.xml -exec grep -H -c friend\> {} \;|sort 
-r -gt : -k 2 |grep -v :0 

On 09/21/2018 05:26 PM, Tim Boudreau wrote:
You may want to survey modules on Github that use implementation
dependencies or use Uenta to bypass them. For example, I've been tweaking
the rust module from github, which does tag with a couple of csl modules.
Those should count toward "friends".


On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 8:01 PM Laszlo Kishalmi <laszlo.kisha...@gmail.com>

Dear all,

I'd like to summarize whet happened on the "API Friendliness" issue:

We collected a number of possible options on our previous discussions at:


Commenting these options remained really silent though. This means our
Friend APIs most likely stay as they are now.

I must acknowledge that adding new friends to an existing API is easier
than ever having NetBeans under Apache umbrella.

I plan not to give up on making some APIs public though. Regarding the
low interest of making something big around this area, I think the most
viable solution is:

Option 4: Make Module Public when There is more than a Certain Number of
Friend Dependencies.

So sometime in the future I'm going to create a list of how many friends
a module does have and share the list with you.

Thank you all who participated in this effort!

Laszlo Kishalmi

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