        - no need for plugin registry and hashes in plugin registry
        - use the maven/gradle resolver lib for plugin dependencies
                : reuse repo libs from mvn, gradle or Arquillian
        - publish the plugin in standard mvn central
        - if there is need of extra "plugin specific" metadata
                : store in a META file (like WAR's have web.xml)
                : maybe go with JSON not XML based on current trends
        - maybe a file extension of ....netbeans.plugin.jar ??

On 4/7/19 3:35 PM, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Sat, 6 Apr 2019, 01:53 Tushar Joshi, <> wrote:

This means maintaining the list of plugins as files in a github
repository.  This repository will be considered as the plugin registry.  So
the plugin developers will just have to submit a PR to get their plugins
included or updated.  We can still create the moderation process to verify
and validate the plugins before we approve the PR for addition or update of
the plugins.

+1 from me. I've suggested this a few times in conversations on web
infrastructure in the past. Seems the ideal way to do this IMO, but...

The plugins can be uploaded to the maven registry just as mentioned in the
email thread and only the metadata, and registration, SHA hashes can be
placed in the plugin registry github repository.

IIRC when I looked into it the IDE doesn't check the plugin file against a
hash currently? That would need to be done for this approach.

Best wishes,


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