On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 6:55 AM, Oleg Zhurakousky
<ozhurakou...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> I was just able to reproduce your exact error by disassociating it from the 
> class path

Oleg, thanks for the response.

1. I verified that my working directory is correct and points to my
running version of Nifi:


2. I verified that src/main/resources is indeed the one and only entry
listing in my build path settings under the "Source" tab. However, I
don't see that reflected in the below command line.

3. Not sure how to dump the active classpath from Eclipse project
configuration but, if I run Nifi under Eclipse and go to the
properties of the running instance I see this as the command line used
to run it. Question is why are all my classpaths pointing to files in
the maven repository? Those are the values reflected in the project
build path under the "Libraries" tab that I got by default after
importing the nifi-ide-integration project. I did not edit anything

-Dfile.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968 -classpath

4. I just got it to work by removing "src/main/resources" from the
"Source" tab and added it to the "Libraries" tab using "Add Class
Folder". Now when I run, I see console logging as expected and my new
command line is below (where src/main/resources is now showing up as
the last entry in the path): But why did I need this extra step?

-Dfile.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968 -classpath

May I ask you a related question about environment setup for
contributing given I am new to contributing and want to get this

I read the contributors/developers guides. They talk about three
repos: the ASF repo, the github mirror, and a personal forked github
repo. They talk about two way to commit: patch and pull request.

1. Is there any difference in choosing to use the ASF vs. github
mirror as my primary upstream tracking repo?

2. I am leaning toward forking the github mirror and using the forked
repo from my development so that I can submit using pull requests.
What do you advise?

Thanks again for all your help...

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