Sounds good to me. #1 does address the immediate problem as you mentioned.

Since the util package has a lot of stuff in it, my preference would be to
have a syslog package under util, or even at the same level as util. If we
did that, would moving SyslogParser and SyslogEvent to that package be
considered a breaking change?
Seems "less breaking" than moving a processor to a new package which could
break someone's flow, but still possible someone is using one of those
classes since they are public.
I can move the other stuff and leave those two alone, but just wanted to


On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Joe Witt <> wrote:

> Bryan
> Great writeup on the tradeoffs.  From my perspective #1 seems quite
> fine for now.  I see no need to create new processors and it seems
> like the only problem to be solved right now is to make the code
> cleaner/more readable.  #1 it sounds like solves that.  There is
> perhaps another topic to address one day which is the grouping of
> processors within a bundle.  Syslog as its own nar was probably the
> right call but this is just fine for now.  When we go with a registry
> model then we will revisit these and many others anyway.
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Bryan Bende <> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I'm working on NIFI-1273 to add support for the RELP protocol (Reliable
> > Event Logging Protocol) to the syslog processors. In order to do this
> I'll
> > likely have to add at least one more channel reader implementation to the
> > inner classes that already exist in ListenSyslog. I'm starting to think
> > there might be a bit too much going on in there and it might be easier to
> > manage and understand if the inner classes were moved to regular classes.
> >
> > If we agree that is a good idea, then the question is where to put
> them....
> > In hindsight it probably would have been better to have a syslog bundle,
> > instead of putting the syslog processors in the nifi-standard-processors,
> > then all of these classes could live there. The processors don't have any
> > special dependencies which is why the standard bundle initially seemed
> like
> > a good idea.
> >
> > Since we have to be careful of breaking changes, the options I see are:
> >
> > 1) Keep the syslog processors in nifi-standard-processors, and put these
> > classes under the util package where SyslogParser and SyslogEvent are.
> > Maybe create org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.util.syslog to group
> them
> > together under util.
> >
> > 2) Keep the syslog processors in nifi-standard-processors, but create a
> > nifi-syslog-utils project in nifi-commons and put all supporting code
> > there. I doubt that any other parts of NiFi would need to make use of
> this
> > artifact, but it would create a nice isolated syslog library. I think we
> > could safely move most of the inner classes there since they are private,
> > but not sure if we can move SyslogParser and SyslogEvent yet since they
> are
> > public classes in standard processors.
> >
> > 3) Create a syslog bundle with copies of the processors, do all new work
> > there, including NIFI-1273. Mark the existing processors as deprecated
> and
> > remove on 1.0. Seems unfortunate to deprecate processors one release
> after
> > releasing them, and would force anyone wanting RELP to switch to the new
> > bundle, but seems to be the only way to create a separate bundle if that
> is
> > what we wanted.
> >
> > What do others think about this?
> >
> > #1 is obviously the least intrusive and easiest, but I'm not sure it is
> the
> > best choice, especially given that we want to move to an extension
> registry
> > eventually, and would probably want to break apart some of standard
> > processors.
> >
> > #2 might be a good middle ground. Leaving the processor part for another
> > time.
> >
> > -Bryan

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