Is there currently a way to know how many times a FlowFile has been
penalized? Do we have use cases where we want to penalize a FlowFile *n *number
of times before sending it down an alternate relationship? I could imagine
an API like penalizeOrTransfer(FlowFile flowFile, int numberOfTries,
Relationship relationship). For example, someone might want to process a
FlowFile three times before giving up on it.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Michael de Courci <> wrote:

> Matt thanks for your reply
> I guess what I am saying in that case - if there is an error in a
> FlowFile, then the processor that detects this cannot proceed so instead of
> calling an action to penalize the FlowFile it raises an exception
> OutOFServiceException or ProcessorException.
> You could have an exception cause PeanilisedFlowFileException for this
> case.
> But within the processor other error causes may arise for an
> OutOFServiceException
> The point is that if the processor threw this exception then there can be
> a duration configuration - a time limit to keep this processor out of
> service and the connection to it and possibly any processors leading upto
> it - Naturally this will need to be indicated on the DFM - this will free
> resources and make the flow well behaved.
> Environmental failures will simply be a different category/cause of error
> that can be wrapped/captured also with a more general one
> With Kind Regards
> Michael de Courci
> > On 28 Jan 2016, at 17:16, Matt Gilman <> wrote:
> >
> > Just to recap/level set...
> >
> > The distinct between yielding and penalization is important. Penalization
> > is an action taken on a FlowFile because the FlowFile cannot be processed
> > right now (like a naming conflict for instance). The Processor is
> > indicating that it cannot process that specific FlowFile at the moment
> but
> > may be able to process the next. Yielding is an indication that the
> > Processor is unable to work at all at the moment likely due to an
> > environmental issue (like the out of service comment).
> >
> > If the concept of penalization were moved to a connection, does it
> > automatically penalize all FlowFile transferred to it? We would lose some
> > granularity if a Processor wanted to penalize some FlowFile routed to a
> > given Relationship but not others. I'm not sure if this is done in
> practice
> > or not, just wanted to mention it.
> >
> > Outside of this minor concern, I like the idea. I especially like that it
> > would help with the consistency of Processor behavior and transparency
> > about what the data flow is actually doing.
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Michael de Courci <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi
> >> I think it would be better/simpler to have one “out of service”  concept
> >> to replace penalizing and yielding and when a plugin throws an exception
> >> then the plugin is deemed out of service, for a duration and so the
> >> connection to that plugin is disabled for the out of service duration.
> >>
> >> When a plugin is out of service and the connection disabled - then
> >> resources that it uses will be freed(yielded).
> >>
> >> The question then is what the behaviour of the plugin before the
> disabled
> >> connection - should be.  My thought is to tend towards stability and
> make
> >> sure resources are freed, so there may need to be a “domino
> effect”/cascade
> >> affect where all plugins before are gradually put out of service.
> >>
> >>
> >> With Kind Regards
> >> Michael de Courci
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 28 Jan 2016, at 16:34, Mark Payne <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> All,
> >>>
> >>> I've been thinking about how we handle the concept of penalizing
> >> FlowFiles. We've had a lot of questions
> >>> lately about how penalization works & the concept in general. Seems the
> >> following problems exist:
> >>>
> >>> - Confusion about difference between penalization & yielding
> >>> - DFM sees option to configure penalization period on all processors,
> >> even if they don't penalize FlowFiles.
> >>> - DFM cannot set penalty duration in 1 case and set a different value
> >> for a different case (different relationship, for example).
> >>> - Developers often forget to call penalize()
> >>> - Developer has to determine whether or not to penalize when building a
> >> processor. It is based on what the developer will
> >>> think may make sense, but in reality DFM's sometimes want to penalize
> >> things when the processor doesn't behave that way.
> >>>
> >>> I'm wondering if it doesn't make sense to remove the concept of
> >> penalization all together from Processors and instead
> >>> move the Penalty Duration so that it's a setting on the Connection. I
> >> think this would clear up the confusion and give the DFM
> >>> more control over when/how long to penalize. Could set to the default
> to
> >> 30 seconds for self-looping connections and no penalization
> >>> for other connections.
> >>>
> >>> Any thoughts?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> -Mark
> >>
> >>

Ricky Saltzer

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