Same here. Internationalization is often implemented as properties
files/resources, where you possibly load in a file based on the system
setting for Locale (like If we were
to do internationalization this way (i.e. a non-code based solution,
which is more flexible), then ironically displayName() might/should be
deprecated in favor of using the value of name() as the key in a
properties/lookup file; the corresponding value would be the
appropriate locale-specific "display name".

Brandon's links show this approach, I have seen this i18n approach on
other projects/products and it seems to work pretty well.


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
> I share Bryan's perspective.
> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 9:05 AM, Bryan Bende <> wrote:
>> I might just be resistant to change, but I am still on the fence a little
>> bit...
>> In the past the idea has always been you start out with name, and if you
>> later need to change what is displayed in the UI, then you add displayName
>> after the fact.
>> It sounds like the issue is that a lot of people don't know about
>> displayName, so I am totally in favor of increasing awareness through
>> documentation,
>> but I'm struggling with telling people that they should set displayName as
>> the default behavior.
>> For code that is contributed to NiFi, I would expect the PMC/committer
>> doing the review/merging to notice if an existing property name was being
>> changed and point that out in the review.
>> If it was someone else's custom NAR, or even made it through the review, I
>> think what happens is that the flow starts up and the processor/component
>> becomes invalid because it now has an unknown property.
>> This is the same behavior when we remove a property from an existing
>> processor and someone upgrades, and we deemed this acceptable behavior for
>> that scenario.
>> The internationalization aspect could possibly sell me more, but I think I
>> would need someone to explain how internationalization would be
>> implemented, and how setting the displayName helps.
>> What Brandon described makes sense to me because it is something outside
>> the Java code, which is different then saying all PropertyDescriptor
>> instances need name and displayName.
>> -Bryan
>> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Brandon DeVries <> wrote:
>>> +1.  I think being able to move the displayName out of code an into config
>>> / ResourceBundle will make it much easier to support i18n[1].  If no config
>>> is provided, the name is the default... otherwise, the name displayed is
>>> determined by the locale.  Updating the mock framework to complain about
>>> the absence of a ResourceBundle will encourage adoption, and we'll
>>> gradually work our way to not being English only.
>>> Brandon
>>> [1]
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:46 PM Adam Lamar <> wrote:
>>> > On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Andy LoPresto <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > As a result of some conversations and some varying feedback on PRs, I’d
>>> > like
>>> > > to discuss with the community an issue I see with PropertyDescriptor
>>> name
>>> > > and displayName attributes. I’ll describe the scenarios that cause
>>> issues
>>> > > and my proposed solution, and then solicit responses and other
>>> > perspectives.
>>> >
>>> > Andy,
>>> >
>>> > I'd be +1 on this as well. I think the power of this approach will
>>> > become more clear over time, and some of the automation will make it
>>> > possible to more widely enforce.
>>> >
>>> > What do you think about a mixed mode where config reading code can
>>> > fetch the property value with either the name or display name as the
>>> > key, defaulting to the name if it is present? A sample read of
>>> > flow.xml.gz might look like this:
>>> >
>>> > * Processor asks for value of MY_CONFIG_PROPERTY
>>> > * Configuration code looks for key "my-config-property", returns if
>>> present
>>> > * Configuration code looks for key "My Config Property", returns if
>>> present
>>> > * On finding no valid key, configuration returns blank/default/null
>>> > value (whatever is done today)
>>> >
>>> > On configuration write, the new attributes could be written as the
>>> > normalized name (instead of display name), to allow processors that
>>> > have made the switch to start using the normalized name field and
>>> > start taking advantage of the new features around it (e.g.
>>> > internationalization). Perhaps a disadvantage to this approach is that
>>> > it auto-upgrades an existing flow.xml.gz, making it difficult to
>>> > downgrade from (for example) 0.7 back to 0.6.
>>> >
>>> > A strategy like this (or something similar) might help speed adoption
>>> > by making the process a bit smoother for existing flow.xml.gz files
>>> > and easier to upgrade processors incrementally. At 1.0, display names
>>> > as configuration keys could be dropped, and the upgrade path for users
>>> > on old 0.x releases would be to upgrade to the latest 0.x before
>>> > making the jump to 1.0.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Adam
>>> >

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