Hi Ricky,

I checked out nifi-0.6.1 and built on my system, then deployed with a Kerberos 
configuration and a KDC running in Vagrant and everything worked fine. Was able 
to run kinit on the command line of the client machine, and then opening Safari 
established a session using my Kerberos principal immediately. I looked at your 
app log, and it appears it might be a file permission/existence issue. I admit 
the error could be more helpful — it’s unclear as to whether it’s an IO problem 
or an XML problem or a Spring problem. Can you please verify that the 
authority-providers.xml file exists in the correct location, has the correct 
access permissions, and is well-formed XML? I’ve published my nifi.properties 
[1], authority-providers.xml [2], authorized-users.xml [3], and 
login-identity-provider.xml [4] files as gists as well for comparison.

In the nifi.properties, note lines 142 & 143, as they define the references to 
the authority and login identity providers, and lines 187 & 189, as they define 
the Kerberos properties.

From your nifi-app.log:

2016-05-12 14:14:04,468 ERROR [main] o.s.web.context.ContextLoader Context 
initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 
with name 'niFiWebApiSecurityConfiguration': Injection of autowired 
dependencies failed; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire 
method: public void 
 nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: 
Error creating bean with name 'userDetailsService' defined in class path 
resource [nifi-web-security-context.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 
'userService' while setting bean property 'userService'; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 
with name 'userService' defined in class path resource 
[nifi-administration-context.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 
'userTransactionBuilder' while setting bean property 'transactionBuilder'; 
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: 
Error creating bean with name 'userTransactionBuilder' defined in class path 
resource [nifi-administration-context.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 
'authorityProvider' while setting bean property 'authorityProvider'; nested 
exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error 
creating bean with name 'authorityProvider': FactoryBean threw exception on 
object creation; nested exception is java.lang.Exception: Unable to load the 
authority provider configuration file at: 

[1] https://gist.github.com/alopresto/dfad48f55780fee3d0d62b7a0169f2d7 
[2] https://gist.github.com/alopresto/b3bd36676ff72351e641df6869bc1b84 
[3] https://gist.github.com/alopresto/e6bca539876fe4324f49e4996f41c91a 
[4] https://gist.github.com/alopresto/06938e4d0ccdf2168fe0fc6158780a56 

Andy LoPresto
PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69

> On May 13, 2016, at 4:05 PM, Ricky Saltzer <ri...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Right on! I appreciate you helping out. Have a good weekend!
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Andy LoPresto <alopre...@apache.org 
> <mailto:alopre...@apache.org>> wrote:
>> Thanks Ricky. I’ll set up a demo environment with 0.6.1 and LDAP/Kerberos 
>> authentication
>> locally and see if I can reproduce. Probably get back to you Monday?
>> Andy LoPresto
>> alopre...@apache.org <mailto:alopre...@apache.org>
>> *alopresto.apa...@gmail.com <mailto:alopresto.apa...@gmail.com> 
>> <alopresto.apa...@gmail.com <mailto:alopresto.apa...@gmail.com>>*
>> PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69
>> On May 13, 2016, at 1:47 PM, Ricky Saltzer <ri...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> Hey Andy -
>> The full log file, nifi.properties, and authority-providers in the
>> following gists. Obviously I've replaced some values in the
>> authority-providers with fake data for security reasons.
>> *Log:*
>> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rickysaltzer/a645f18a4b3d8bacd16d57cd093f8997/raw/08f78789b66a4d7094629699af7f408870b2c0da/gistfile1.txt
>> *Authority: *
>> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rickysaltzer/b6db60311ea9e3abb94ac183e1c02a59/raw/a75b348ea9515acf0d7bbe0a936972c9b6cb38fe/gistfile1.txt
>> *Properties:*
>> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rickysaltzer/3b29f430d0d1b6361a7ff097e8fcea6a/raw/28bb328fc01ed5256b41bfb324341c083f6fa354/gistfile1.txt
>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Andy LoPresto <alopre...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Ricky,
>> Can you provide the contents of logs/nifi-app.log as well to see if there
>> is anything relevant to this exception? The code where this is failing
>> attempts to deserialize the XML into one of a number of classes
>> implementing the AuthorityProvider interface via the factory. Are you sure
>> the XML is valid and complete, and that the provider identifier is also
>> specified in nifi.properties?
>> Andy LoPresto
>> alopre...@apache.org
>> *alopresto.apa...@gmail.com <alopresto.apa...@gmail.com>*
>> PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69
>> On May 12, 2016, at 2:26 PM, Ricky Saltzer <ri...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> Using the following provider on 0.6.1, I'm faced with a ClassCastException.
>> It might also be worth noting that I face the same exception when
>> attempting to us the KerberosProvider option.
>> *Provider:*
>> <provider>
>>  <identifier>ldap-provider</identifier>
>>  <class>org.apache.nifi.ldap.LdapProvider</class>
>>  <property name="Authentication Strategy">SIMPLE</property>
>>  <property name="Manager DN">dethklok\toki</property>
>>  <property name="Manager Password">bananasticker</property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Keystore"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Keystore Password"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Keystore Type"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Truststore"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Truststore Password"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Truststore Type"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Client Auth"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Protocol"></property>
>>  <property name="TLS - Shutdown Gracefully"></property>
>>  <property name="Referral Strategy">FOLLOW</property>
>>  <property name="Connect Timeout">10 secs</property>
>>  <property name="Read Timeout">10 secs</property>
>>  <property name="Url">ldap://ldap.metalocalypse.com</property>
>>  <property name="User Search
>> Base">CN=Users,DC=metalocalypse,DC=local</property>
>>  <property name="User Search Filter">foo</property>
>>  <property name="Authentication Expiration">12 hours</property>
>> </provider>
>> *Exception:*
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class
>> org.apache.nifi.ldap.LdapProvider
>>      at java.lang.Class.asSubclass(Class.java:3208) ~[na:1.7.0_79]
>>      at
>> org.apache.nifi.authorization.AuthorityProviderFactoryBean.createAuthorityProvider(AuthorityProviderFactoryBean.java:173)
>> ~[na:na]
>>      at
>> org.apache.nifi.authorization.AuthorityProviderFactoryBean.getObject(AuthorityProviderFactoryBean.java:111)
>> ~[na:na]
>>      at
>> org.springframework.beans.factory.support.FactoryBeanRegistrySupport.doGetObjectFromFactoryBean(FactoryBeanRegistrySupport.java:168)
>> ~[na:na]
>>      ... 75 common frames omitted
>> --
>> Ricky Saltzer
>> http://www.cloudera.com
> --
> Ricky Saltzer
> http://www.cloudera.com <http://www.cloudera.com/>

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