I've been running into an issue on 1.4.0 where my Funnel sometimes runs slow. I 
haven't been able to create a nice reproducible test case to pass on.
What I'm seeing is that my failure queue on the right will start to fill up, 
even though there is plenty of room for them in the next queue. You can see 
that the Tasks/Time is fairly low, only 24 in the last 5 minutes (first image), 
so it's not that the FlowFile's are moving so fast that they just appear to be 
in queue.

If I stop the downstream processor the files slowly trickle through the funnel 
into the next queue slowly. I had an Oldest FlowFile First prioritizer on the 
downstream queue. I tried removing it but there was no change in behavior.
One time where I saw this behavior in the past was when my NiFi instance was 
thread starved, but there are plenty of threads available on the instance and 
all other processors are running fine. I also don't understand why it trickles 
the FlowFile's in, from what I've seen in the code Funnel grabs large batches 
at one time...


(Sometimes my images don't make it, let me know if that happens.)
[cid:image002.png@01D340EC.543FE750] [cid:image004.png@01D340EC.543FE750]

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