Thanks Bryan.

I just wrapped this up and wanted to document for anyone in the future.

-Yes, updating the kerberos principal/keytab values via the xml template
worked just fine.
-Yes, updating the target url fields on the RPG worked just fine.
-Yes, Bryan was absolutely correct that you DO need to update the port ID in
the xml template to point to the proper ID in the *new* environment. The big
gotchya is that this is not only specified in the <remoteProcessGroup />
itself, but the ID is also specified as a <connection /> on the parent
process group that it lives in. If you miss this, then Nifi will throw an
error when you try to add the template to the canvas stating something like
"An ID to a connection was specified that does not exist." Sorry I don't
have explicit error message in front of me.

In summary: since we are limited to Nifi 1.2, this manual updating of the
XML worked fine. Just be mindful of the gotchya mentioned above.

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