
The status icon for a specific Process Group is hidden until that group is
versioned. That icon is positioned next to the group name.

For the icons in the status bar and in the bottom of the Process Group, we
were ultimately just trying to remain consistent. These reflect the counts
of the encapsulated versioned Process Groups and does not include itself.
Like we have with the status icons for the encapsulated Processors and
Ports. Even if this Process Group is not configured to have any
encapsulated components, we still render the counts as zero.

Additionally, the presence of the icons helps drive awareness of the

Rob or Drew may have some additional insight to add. Hope this helps


On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 12:10 AM, Peter Wicks (pwicks) <>

> Why does NiFi show status icons for Versioned Process Group's on servers
> that are not configured to connect to a NiFi Registry?
> Thanks,
>   Peter

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