Hello All,

1) Why would one need both nifi and Kafka in an environment, considering
that NiFi can handle back pressure, set up and deal with queues? I have an
environment where I would be collecting data via NiFi and I would need to
write the data to hdfs after some post processing. Can't I just process the
records in NiFi, change the format and write the data to HDFS via a NiFi
HDFS processor, PutHDFS?

2) Similarly, if I need to do some stream processing, can't I just pull the
data from NiFi processor via NiFiSpout, do the processing via some bolts,
and write the data to HDFS either via HDFS bolt or A NiFi HDFS processor?

Do I even need storm in the picture?

3) Is NiFi suited for microbatch processing? Would it be better to pull the
data from NiFi via spark streaming and do microbatching there? Which
approach is most performant and reliable?



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