
This is actually expected behavior...

The migration is only setup to migrate the database from 0.1.0 which was
named nifi-registry.mv.db.

If you have an H2 DB named nifi-registry-primary.mv.db this is the name of
the new H2 DB in 0.2.0, so it’s not looking for this because the idea was
you’d migrate to Postgres when you did the upgrade to 0.2.0 before you ever
had this file. Since you didn’t migrate to Postgres on the upgrade, it
migrated to a new H2 DB.

It is nice to know that you can do it later on by renaming the file, and
maybe we can add that to the migration notes wiki or admin guide.



On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 5:02 PM Kevin Doran <kdo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Jagrut,
> I think this is configurable. How did you configure you
> nifi-registry.properties file?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> ________________________________
> From: Jagrut Sharma <jagrutsha...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 2:43:33 PM
> To: dev@nifi.apache.org
> Subject: Registry H2 to PostgreSQL migration
> Hi - I performed migration from H2 to PostgreSQL, and ran into a potential
> bug.
> After switching the database config, registry started up fine. But the
> tables were all empty. On digging a bit deeper, I found that the default H2
> database file is named nifi-registry-primary.mv.db. The migration code is
> looking for a file named nifi-registry.mv.db and hence unable to find it.
> The log reports 'Did not find legacy database file...'
> To verify this, I renamed existing H2 file to nifi-registry.mv.db. Upon
> startup, the file was detected and migration happened properly.
> I can file a JIRA, but just wanted to make sure I was not missing any
> config step.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jagrut
Sent from Gmail Mobile

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