Hello Apache NiFi community,

Please find the associated guidance to help those interested in
validating/verifying the release so they can vote.

# Download latest KEYS file:

# Import keys file:
gpg --import KEYS

# [optional] Clear out local maven artifact repository

# Pull down nifi-registry-0.5.0 source release artifacts for review:


# Verify the signature
gpg --verify -v nifi-registry-0.5.0-source-release.zip.asc

# Verify the hashes (sha256, sha512) match the source and what was
provided in the vote email thread
shasum -a 256 nifi-registry-0.5.0-source-release.zip
shasum -a 512 nifi-registry-0.5.0-source-release.zip

# Unzip nifi-registry-0.5.0-source-release.zip

# Verify the build works including release audit tool (RAT) checks
cd nifi-registry-0.5.0
mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check

Optional - Verify integration tests pass against the supported
databases (requires Docker running)

mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check,integration-tests
mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check,integration-tests
mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check,integration-tests
mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check,integration-tests

# Verify the contents contain a good README, NOTICE, and LICENSE.

# Verify the git commit ID is correct

# Verify the RC was branched off the correct git commit ID

# Look at the resulting convenience binary as found in

# Make sure the README, NOTICE, and LICENSE are present and correct

# Run the resulting convenience binary and make sure it works as expected

# Send a response to the vote thread indicating a +1, 0, -1 based on
your findings.

Thank you for your time and effort to validate the release!

Reply via email to