
If I had to guess, it was an oversight that it handles both folders
and files. Any refactored version would have to not change the current
default behavior. So, what I'd suggest would be a second constructor
that allows you to set a boolean flag to put in a "file-only" mode and
then add another validator that checks for the existence of a folder
and that it is a folder, not a file.



On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 1:06 PM Nissim Shiman <> wrote:
> Hello Nifi devs,
> It has been noticed that the StandardValidators.FILE_EXISTS_VALIDATOR [1] 
> verifies that a value exists, but it does not verify that it is a file, as 
> opposed to being a directory [2]
> Is this by design or is it worthy of a bug fix?
> [1]  
> Thanks,
> Nissim Shiman

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