
I’ll take a look at the first one - NIFI-8962. Seems like a reasonable 

While NIFI-8917 should definitely be reviewed and helpful, I will note that it 
only affects builds. I.e., whether it makes it into 1.15.0 or not isn’t really 
relevant. Whenver it makes its way to the “main” branch it’ll be available. So 
I’d say it’s perhaps not as high a priority to review for me personally from 
the respect.

For NIFI-9072: Not sure that I agree this should be supported. Attributes are 
intended to always be very small - like a couple hundred characters or less. It 
is very much an anti-pattern to put things like XML and JSON in attributes, and 
it’s really something that we should not encourage. Creating large attributes 
can have a hugely detrimental effect on nifi performance (due to having to 
write lots of attributes to both the flowfile repository and provenance 
repository, plus using up available heap, and it drastically slows down startup 
times) as well as node stability and cluster stability (due to garbage 
collection, out of memory errors, heap exhaustion, etc.)


> On Oct 27, 2021, at 10:00 AM, Mark Bean <> wrote:
> I am requesting assistance with three PR's, two of which have had comments
> and do not have any outstanding issues currently. Unless new issues arise,
> they are ready to be accepted.
> NIFI-8962: Adds an 'overflow' strategy to the DistributeLoad processor
> allowing an additional distribution capability effectively prioritizing
> relationships.
> NIFI-8917: Adds profiles to the project-level pom.xml so that non-required
> modules such as nifi-registry, nifi-toolkit and minifi can be excluded from
> a build. This is beneficial for test/development build cycles to reduce
> overall build time.
> There is a third PR which has not been reviewed yet.
> NIFI-9072: Improves ValidateXML by allowing the XML to be in the flowfile
> content or in a flowfile attribute. Also, the XSD schema is now optional.
> If the schema is not provided, basic validation is performed simply to
> ensure the XML is well-formed.
> Thanks!

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