Probably best to put these responses directly on the PRs or JIRAs so
the context doesn't get lost (apologies if that was done - didn't

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 8:13 AM Mark Payne <> wrote:
> Mark,
> I’ll take a look at the first one - NIFI-8962. Seems like a reasonable 
> improvement.
> While NIFI-8917 should definitely be reviewed and helpful, I will note that 
> it only affects builds. I.e., whether it makes it into 1.15.0 or not isn’t 
> really relevant. Whenver it makes its way to the “main” branch it’ll be 
> available. So I’d say it’s perhaps not as high a priority to review for me 
> personally from the respect.
> For NIFI-9072: Not sure that I agree this should be supported. Attributes are 
> intended to always be very small - like a couple hundred characters or less. 
> It is very much an anti-pattern to put things like XML and JSON in 
> attributes, and it’s really something that we should not encourage. Creating 
> large attributes can have a hugely detrimental effect on nifi performance 
> (due to having to write lots of attributes to both the flowfile repository 
> and provenance repository, plus using up available heap, and it drastically 
> slows down startup times) as well as node stability and cluster stability 
> (due to garbage collection, out of memory errors, heap exhaustion, etc.)
> Thanks
> -Mark
> > On Oct 27, 2021, at 10:00 AM, Mark Bean <> wrote:
> >
> > I am requesting assistance with three PR's, two of which have had comments
> > and do not have any outstanding issues currently. Unless new issues arise,
> > they are ready to be accepted.
> >
> > NIFI-8962: Adds an 'overflow' strategy to the DistributeLoad processor
> > allowing an additional distribution capability effectively prioritizing
> > relationships.
> >
> >
> >
> > NIFI-8917: Adds profiles to the project-level pom.xml so that non-required
> > modules such as nifi-registry, nifi-toolkit and minifi can be excluded from
> > a build. This is beneficial for test/development build cycles to reduce
> > overall build time.
> >
> >
> >
> > There is a third PR which has not been reviewed yet.
> > NIFI-9072: Improves ValidateXML by allowing the XML to be in the flowfile
> > content or in a flowfile attribute. Also, the XSD schema is now optional.
> > If the schema is not provided, basic validation is performed simply to
> > ensure the XML is well-formed.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks!

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