Hi Sami,

Thanks for this.

I think if we could get something similar to the following it would be
great. This means that instead of having to maintain yet another series of
documentation we are consistently referring back to the wiki for the source
of all documentation.
Just a quick introduction of the project and then some housekeeping. Please
anyone add material they think appropriate for new users to get exposed to.

Thank you

Welcome to user@/dev@nutch.apache.org

Apache Nutch is an open source web-search software project. Stemming from
Apache Lucene, it now builds on Apache Solr adding web-specifics, such as a
crawler, a link-graph database and parsing support handled by Apache Tika
for HTML and and array other document formats.

Apache Nutch can run on a single machine, but gains a lot of its strength
from running in a Hadoop cluster

The system can be enhanced (eg other document formats can be parsed) using a
highly flexible, easily extensible and thoroughly maintained plugin

For more information about Apache Nutch, please see the Nutch wiki.
House Keeping on the lists

Questions that are not answered in the FAQ [1] or in the wiki documentation
[2] should be posted to the appropriate mailing list.

Please stick to technical issues on the discussion forum and mailing lists.
Keep in mind that these are public, so do not include any confidential
information in your questions!

You should also read the *Mailing Lists Developer Resource* [3] before
participating in the discussion forum and mailing lists.
NOTE: Please do NOT submit bugs, patches, or feature requests to the mailing
lists. Refer instead to Commiter's_Rules [4] and HowToContribute [5] areas
of the Nutch wiki.

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/FAQ
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/FrontPage
[3] http://www.apache.org/dev/#mail
[4] http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/Committer%27s_Rules
[5] http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/HowToContribute


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Sami Siren <ssi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 3:48 PM, lewis john mcgibbney <
> lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Would it be possible to send out a list of our official FAQ's when a new
>> user confirms their subscription to both user@ and dev@ lists.
> It seems this is possible. Can you craft a piece of text you would like to
> be sent out on successful subscribe and I'll try to set it up.
> This is the full list of files ezmlm lists as editable, just in case if
> someone comes up with something else to customize:
> File                Use
> bottom              bottom of all responses. General command info.
> digest              'administrivia' section of digests.
> faq                 frequently asked questions specific to this list.
> get_bad             in place of messages not found in the archive.
> help                general help (between 'top' and 'bottom').
> info                list info. First line should be meaningful on its own.
> mod_help            specific help for list moderators.
> mod_reject          to sender of rejected post.
> mod_request         to message moderators together with post.
> mod_sub             to subscriber after moderator confirmed subscribe.
> mod_sub_confirm     to subscription mod to request subscribe confirm.
> mod_timeout         to sender of timed-out post.
> mod_unsub_confirm   to remote admin to request unsubscribe confirm.
> sub_bad             to subscriber if confirm was bad.
> sub_confirm         to subscriber to request subscribe confirm.
> sub_nop             to subscriber after re-subscription.
> sub_ok              to subscriber after successful subscription.
> top                 top of all responses.
> unsub_bad           to subscriber if unsubscribe confirm was bad.
> unsub_confirm       to subscriber to request unsubscribe confirm.
> unsub_nop           to non-subscriber after unsubscribe.
> unsub_ok            to ex-subscriber after successful unsubscribe.
> --
>  Sami Siren


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