
Excellent! You may want to check the list of issues for 1.5. There are several 
issues being worked on from time to time and a number of open issues and even 
a few hairy problems. Contribution as patch or comment on any issue is always 
appreciated. You can also create issues to solve problems yourself as you did 
with the parser filters issue.

Anything is welcome!


> Hello all,
> I've got a bunch of spare time coming up in the next several
> weeks/months and would like to volunteer to help the project out.  I'm
> already extremely familiar with the internals of Nutch, as I've been
> hacking at it for our internal use here (at Wolfram Research) for the
> last ~1.5 years or so.  While there's probably a fair amount of code
> that I haven't read, I've at least visited and read some of all of the
> areas of Nutch's core and most of the plugins.
> I think I should put that knowledge to good use and contribute back
> (I've already sent some patches in, but nothing major or really even
> that significant), but I'm not sure what needs to be done or where my
> time would be best spent.  I just subscribed to this list, so if there's
> a thread discussing priorities that's current and whatnot, can someone
> point me to it in the archives?  Barring that, can someone point me in
> the direction where I should be looking to contribute?  My best guess is
> to just start attacking JIRA tickets...
> Thanks,
> Eddie

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