> I must say that since the move of Nutchgora from trunk to branch it's kind
> of odd that it's still referred to as 2.x. (For now that's okay I guess).

Moving it from the trunk made a lot of sense and has been abundantly
discussed on this list. We had one stable version which is actively
maintained and currently used by most people (1.x) and an experimental one
largely untested and used by a minority (2.x). Hopefully when nutchgora
(for which 2.x is a better name indeed) has had a couple of releases and is
used by a larger number of people it will naturally find its place as trunk
but for now since most releases are based on 1.x I think the latter should
remain the trunk


On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Lewis John Mcgibbney <
lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> Does anyone have a differing opinion on naming next development track for
> Nutchgora branch 2.1?
> Before I set and classify most issues it would be good to know.
> Thank you
> Lewis
> --
> *Lewis*

*Open Source Solutions for Text Engineering


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