Hi Ferdy,

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Ferdy Galema <ferdy.gal...@kalooga.com>wrote:

> Tested it with HBase but there is a slight issue with the dependencies.
> After building rc2 with ivy-enabled HBase, it seems a test HBase jar is
> deployed in local/lib, even though it's called hbase-0.90.4.jar. (I do not
> know yet how this is caused!)

This actually happened to me a while back when we were fixing the upgrade
to gora-0.2 dependencies... for some reason Ivy was pulling gora-core, it
was packaged as gora-core but for some reason the tests were pulled... I
got absolutely no feedback from the guys at ivy-user so I just left it
until it suddenly seemed to resolve and we were able to upgrade.

> But since a user should have a separate HBase installation anyway, I don't
> think it's a blocker for now. A user should simply copy its HBase core lib
> from the HBase installation into the local/lib directory.

+1 we will document this.

> This works for me. We should add this to
> http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/GORA_HBase (btw does anyone know why I
> cannot edit this one anymore?)

The tutorial has now changed to http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/Nutch2Tutorial,
this is covered in the README within 2.X

Can you please give me your wiki username and I'll add you to the AdminGroup

> Crawling/parsing works fine after the workaround, so +1 from me. If anyone
> disagrees with the above, I'm fine with that too and fixing it prior to
> releasing.
> Ferdy

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