Hi Feng,

Congratulations on becoming a committer and welcome!


> A problem has been troubling me a long time is that what is the target of
> nutch 1.x, Does nutch 1.x is just a transitional version of Nutch 2.x, or
> they can coexist because Nutch 1.x has a different data processing method
> to Nutch 2.x,

the latter, it's not so much the processing method that differs as they are
very similar but the way data are stored.

> like Julien said, Nutch 1.x is great for batch processing and
> 2.x large scale processing.

Hmm, I don't think I said that. Both are batch orientated and 1.x is
probably better at large scale processing than 2.x (at least currently)

> Perhaps with more and more people use NoSql as
> their back-end DB, the developers should focus more on the development of
> Nutch 2.x, ensure its stability and improve its function.

IMHO it's not that the developers *should* focus on this or that. I see it
more as an evolutionary process where things get improved because they are
used in the first place or get derelict and abandoned if there is no
interest from users.  If as you say  people prefer to have a SQL backend
instead of the sequential HDFS data structures then there will be more
contributions and as a result 2.x will be improved.


*Open Source Solutions for Text Engineering


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