Hi Julien,

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Nioche <lists.digitalpeb...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "dev@nutch.apache.org" <dev@nutch.apache.org>
Date: Monday, September 1, 2014 2:23 AM
To: "dev@nutch.apache.org" <dev@nutch.apache.org>
Cc: Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org>
Subject: Re: Jump to 3.X WAS [RELEASE] Apache Nutch 1.9

>Hi chaps, 
>-1 from me. IMHO moving the trunk code to 3.x does not really solve the
>issue. I'd rather make it more explicit that the standard Nutch (1.x) and
>Nutch-GORA (2.x) are two separate beasts for instance by referring to 2.x
>as Nutch-GORA in the artifacts we
> release. This way users won't assume believe that one is superior to the
>other. We can keep the same SVN branches (trunk + 2.x) and use the minor
>version numbers as a reflection of the amount of changes produced in the

It has nothing to do with being superior? Was Apache Tomcat 6 superior to
Apache Tomcat 5? No, it had nothing to do with it - they were completely
separate architectures. Heck Apache Tomcat 7 was a place where some of
the architectural concepts from 5 and 6 met in the middle - that's
precisely what I am proposing here.

We've just completed the development line of the 1.x series by releasing
1.9. 2.x is still going. They each do different things - 1.x is more
2.x has more flexibility but is harder to install. It's not about one being
superior to one another.

>Changing to 3.x would imply a major change of architecture or
>functionality, which certainly won't be the case for the next release of
>the trunk. 

Not really - all it would imply is the end of the 1.x branch-line, without
merging into the 2.x branch line.

>When users ask "what is the difference between 3.x and 1.x?" we'd have to
>answer "not much", and more importantly
> when asked "what is the difference between 3.x and 2.x?" we'd reply
>"same as between 1.x and 2.x" ;-) Changing the name of the artefacts
>would clarify things.

So what? Answering user questions from time to time is not a huge deal. I
them from my students all the time in teaching them Apache Nutch in my
engines class, or more recently with the JPL folks deploying it for our
CIO search. 

>This reminds me that our FAQ does not really answer these questions (and
>other basic ones), will post about this separately.

Well if you are -1 on the renaming to 3.x, we'll have to figure something
I'm -1 on renaming the artifacts to Nutch-Gora - so maybe what we need is
ballot with a few options and we can put it to a VOTE for the committee.

I'll wait a few days to let this settle before calling such a VOTE.


>On 29 August 2014 17:34, Lewis John Mcgibbney
><lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Chris,
>N.B. move to dev@
>On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 7:40 AM, <user-digest-h...@nutch.apache.org>
>+1, great.
>I'd like to have a conversation about versioning.
>Since we're at 1.9, my suggestion would be to have the
>next in the trunk series (1.x) move to version 3.x post
>1.9 for the release.
>Based on the discussion from which this new thread stems I would totally
>be behind this. It breathes new life into trunk. Which is a bonnie
>feather in the Nutch bonnet. Here is my +1 on that one.
>Nutch2 remains Nutch and can be worked on there. That
>would give us a nice split in the diversionary branch
>paths for Nutch.
>Open Source Solutions for Text Engineering

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