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The "NutchScoring" page has been changed by LewisJohnMcgibbney:

  == Introduction ==
  Amongst other things Apache Nutch is described as "...Being pluggable and 
modular... via extensible interfaces such as Parse, Index and ScoringFilter's 
for custom implementations". This document acts as a scoring 101 for Apache 
Nutch including information on, in particular 
-  * What Scoring is
-  * Where Scoring takes place
-  * 
+  * What Scoring is... what it means in Nutch.
+  * Where Scoring takes place within the Nutch Crawl cycle.
+  * Nutch Scoring extension points and how we can implement custom scoring 
+  * Scoring issues currently under development.
+ == What Scoring is... what it means in Nutch ==
+ == Where Scoring takes place within the Nutch Crawl cycle ==
+ == Scoring extension points ==
  == Examples ==
   * NewScoring -- New stable pagerank like webgraph and link-analysis jobs.

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