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The "NutchScoring" page has been changed by LewisJohnMcgibbney:

  A scoring filter will manipulate scoring variables in CrawlDatum and in 
resulting search indexes. Filters can be chained in a specific order, to 
provide multi-stage scoring adjustments.
  == Where Scoring takes place within the Nutch Crawl cycle ==
- Scoring occurs in numerous places throughout the Nutch codebase and 
consequently within the crawl cycle. This section describes the point of 
occurence and functional purpose at each step.
+ Scoring occurs in numerous places throughout the Nutch codebase and 
consequently within the crawl cycle. This section describes the point of 
occurence and functional purpose Scoring serves at each step. You will see that 
the list of elements has been structured to represent the logical and typical 
progression of a Nutch crawl cycle.
 - Scoring filters are defined within the various MapReduce job configurations. 
This means that the desired configuration will be used appropriately at runtime 
when the job is run by the JobClient. The Injector actually contains two 
MapReduce jobs, namely
      * sortJob - where we set the InjectMapper as the Mapreduce Mapper 
override. The InjectMapper uses ScoringFilters to calculate a new initial score 
for a particular URL based on passing in the Hadoop Text key (representing the 
URL of the page) and associated CrawlDatum value (representing a new datum for 
which filters will modify it in-place) to the ScoringFilters.injectedScore 
method. Essentially this sets an initial score for newly injected pages. It 
should be noted that newly injected pages may have no inlinks, so filter 
implementations may wish to set this score to a non-zero value, to give newly 
injected pages some initial credit. We are concerned with the value for 
{{{db.score.injected}}} in this case as this assigns a default of 1.0f against 
the score of new pages added by the injector. This default score can however be 
overridden by associating the {{{nutch.score}}} metadata flag against any URL 
in a seed list. This allows to set a custom score for a specific URL. If this 
is the case we assign this score to the CrawlDatum object, if not then we use 
the default score as described above.
      * mergeJob - which combines multiple new entries for a given URL. An 
example of when this is necessary would be if we attempt to inject two 
indentical URLs within the same seed list and where these should be merged into 
one record. In this job we are concerned with discovering the value for the 
{{{db.score.injected}}} configuration property present within 
{{{nutch-site.xml}}} as populated in the initial sortJob execution as described 
above. This value represents the score of new pages added by the Injector. This 
is relevant for us as we must know if a record already exists and we wish to 
update but not overwrite the value.
 - ScoringFilters are used within the 
 class. This essentially selects URL entires due for Fetching and is the only 
functionality of the Genertor we need to cover within the context of this 
document. In addition to specifying the ScoringFilters within the MapReduce job 
configuration, we also use ScoringFilter functionality within the Map aspect of 
this job which selects and inverts a subset of URLs due for fetching. In 
particular we implement the {{{Generator.Selector.generatorSortValue}}} method 
which prepares a sort value for the purpose of sorting and selecting top N 
scoring pages during fetchlist generation. We pass in arguments for Hadoop Text 
key {{{url}}} (representing the url of the page we are trying to score), Nutch 
CrawlDatum value {{{datum}}} which represents the page's datum which should not 
be modified in this task) and an initial sort value {{{initSort}}} of 1.0f. It 
should be noted that the final value doesn't always need to be set to 1.0f as 
it can be linked to a value from previous filters in chain of Scoring 
implementations. The result of executing the 
{{{Generator.Selector.generatorSortValue}}} function is subsequently used to 
consider only entries with a score superior to the threshold which should then 
be fetched. 
+  * 
   * ./src/java/org/apache/nutch/crawl/
-  * ./src/java/org/apache/nutch/fetcher/
   * ./src/java/org/apache/nutch/fetcher/
   * ./src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer/
   * ./src/java/org/apache/nutch/parse/

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