Requirements specification is a top-down activity.  It is only driven by
end users needs and project objects.  NOT by implementation.  That is
the nature of System Engineering: top-down
Just throwing some thoughts out here as a starting point for that
top-down discussion:

Users of NuttX can:
* Use NuttX with our Apps
* Use NuttX by itself and provide their own Apps

For the toolchain, they can:
* Use the toolchains we provide with buildroot
* Use their own toolchains

They can get NuttX and/or apps:
* From Git
* From source release tarballs

If getting from Git, they can:
* Live on the bleeding edge with Master
* Work from a branch or tag for more stability

When they wish to contribute, they can do so:
* Via a pull request
* Via a patch transmitted to us by some method

Regardless of the method, we would convert the pull request and/or
patch into a form that is useful for us. For example, if we work with
pull requests and we are given a patch, we convert the patch into a
pull request.

Contributions may be based on:
* Master.
* Or the latest release. When contributions are based on the latest
release, we should rebase them onto master.

I wrote this a long time ago:

 Proposed Steps from Contribution to Commit

 I think the work flow should be like this:


   PR or patch received (basically what Nathan wrote above)


   Triggers automated checking:


       Verify that it follows the coding standard, and


       verify that the build is not broken.

 If either fail, ask the contributor to fix the problem and resubmit the change.


   PMC should triage and assign the change to a committer.  PMC may
   also review for conformance with the Inviolables If this review
   fails, the change is declined.


   Committer performs final review for technical correctness and
   conformance to the Inviolables.  If this review fails, the change is
   declined otherwise the committer commits the change.


   2:42 PM <>

   Step 1

Changes should include some information about how to test the change.  For modifications to code that is tested by existing configurations, we would need to know the relevant configurations settings.  From that we should be able to select a set of relevant test configurations.

If the change is a new feature, then it may not be testable using any existing configuration.  In that case, we will have to insist that the change be accompanied by a configuration that can be used for testing.

   Step 2

For now we just need this minimum, but this should extend in the future as we aim for a higher level of quality assurance.

Step 2a)The NuttX style verification tool, nxstyle, should be used to check coding style.  If the submission does not follow the NuttX coding style, we will need to ask the contributor to update the change so that it does.

Nxstyle is an imperfect tool, however.  We probably need to manually check any failed output to verify that the failures are not false alarms.

Step 2b) The brute force Jenkins-style testing is not useful here.  Rather, we need a smarter build. We need to build configurations that ACTUALLY build the code that is changed by the contribution.  Per step 1) the contributor has either provided a new test configuration (which should be included) as a part of the change, or 2) the contributor has provided the relevant configuration settings for testing the change.

In the latter case, we should be able to build a test configuration list by selecting existing configuration that include these configuration settings.

Step 2c)  This is where we may want to add hardware-in-the-loop testing with a reference board in the future.

   Step 3

There should be a list of all committers with the areas in which they have the best expertise.  Assigning a change to a committer should be simply picking the person with the best expertise, but also accounting for any backlog.  Other committers may need to take up the slack.

   Step 4

Ultimately, it is the committer who is responsible for assuring that (1) the change is technically correct, complete, and of the highest quality.  And that (2) the change is consistent with all of the principles of the Inviolables: The change must not violate the portable POSIX interface, the change must conform to the architectural principles of the OS, the change must not expose any platform dependencies that would have any impact on other users of NuttX.

At this point, the committer should be confident that the change is in full compliance with the coding standard and will not break the build.

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