Hi, Nathan,

I remember promising to help you with the workflow document a few days ago.  I am having a little trouble following your outline.  Fleshing it out a little more would probably be helpful to keep us on track.

Anyway... I did make some first small changes today and I am addressing this particular topic.  Please review.

Option 3: For those who do not use git or have git at all, how to get
changes based on a release to us. Greg can hopefully enlighten us as to how
those customers are currently doing that (are they just zipping their
entire nuttx tree and sending it? are they using some other
patch-generating program? what?). Once we know, we document exactly what to

I have accepted changes in most any form that people want to send them to me.  But never while zipped trees.  I have no idea what I would do with that.   For small changes, it is the content that matters, not so much the form.  I have accepted emails just indicating in discussion one or two line changes.  I don't like those very much but I have accepted them.

Form does matter for larger changes.  Some people send diffs generated with the Linux command line 'diff -r ' command.  Those work fine.  GIT patches work too.  No one has sent a 'git request-pull' but I suppose you will deal with that as with a patch.  Basically diffs, patches, and textual pull requests are all the same thing just with varying amounts of metadata.

For me, PRs were less used.  I would get 20 patches per each PR. I did not like to accept PRs in the old Bitbucket repositories because they went directly to master which is not a good practice.  I did not have a development branch and I don't know if Bitbucket supported changing the base of a PR like github does. But PRs were a nightmare in that environment.  I think they will work better for us because we have more process in place to deal with them.

When you are set up to handle PRs they are sweet.

When any of those things reach us (by PR or email) we, the committers, do
whatever is necessary to process them through accept&merge, rework, or
reject. And again, we have to document for ourselves, the committers,
exactly how to do that, including git incantations. This is necessary to
ensure that current committers know what to do and also to lower barriers
to entry for new committers in the future.

I think most of us are getting on the same page.  DavidS is still the outlier.  David has a lot of knowledge, it would be good if we could get him on board with the rest of us.  We could do so much better if we worked together.


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