On 6/24/2020 12:03 PM, Brennan Ashton wrote:
On Wed, Jun 24, 2020, 10:56 AM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote

My concern is that if we sweep things under the carpet now and continue
with the 9.1 eyes shut as if there is nothing wrong, we will continue to
degrade the OS footprint over time.   It requires aggressive action to
control the binary size!

The PR-induced bloat due to the NSH 'date' command configuration was
added between 9.0 and 9.1.  That was apps/ commit
4adb83c754500cfebe4c24a498eb4139e3ff8866, dated April 7.  It is on
master but not in the releases/9.0 branch.  Apparently it just missed
the cut-off for 9.0 but is included in 9.1.

The CONFIG_TIME_EXTENDED change is, I believe, pre-9.0 and so does not
have as strong an argument in the current context.  But I think any
size-related fixes that do not introduce other issues or cause loss of
functionality are good game for reversion.

We need to stop the practice of changing settings by changing their
default values.  That has ramifications that are too extensive and too
unpredictable!  And we need to stop removing size reducing configuration
options without strong argument.  In the case of the
CONFIG_TIME_EXTENDED, the argument is that the default selection makes
the structure non-compliant with POSIX requirements.  That is a
reasonable argument.  There is no good argument of any kind for the NSH
'date' command change, however. That change should certainly be removed.

Ok let's go ahead and plan to do an RC1. What I ask is that people really
try to get some testing in. So we can address this prior to cutting
releases. That 9.1 branch that this was made off of has been static besides
the release notes for almost 10 days. It took calling a vote to find this
issue.  I do appreciate the testing that people have done!

Can we plan to cut RC1 on Friday or do people want to wait longer? After
Monday I'll be likely somewhat unavailable for a few days so I may be
slower to respond to moving the release process forward.


I created the PR #307 to restore the behavior to the same as the 9.0 release.  This should eliminate the size increase noted by Alan and Brennan.

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