I'm working on a BLE Link Layer for NuttX, which sits between HCI layer and 
low-level radio-layer. I'm starting with BLE scanning and I need to set a timer 
to periodically execute the radio reception to listen for advertisements. I'm 
trying to see which interface should this layer use: oneshot or watchdog? From 
what I understand, the oneshot would use a separate timer that of the system 
timer. I can only think of that difference, is there other?
In any case, I'm not sure what would be desireable to use for this. I like the 
simplicity of the watchdog (nothing to implement) but maybe it is better to use 
a separate timer?

At the hardware level, the NRF52832 is already designed to have two identical 
hardware timers, one usually used for the OS and the other for handling BLE 
timeouts, so maybe using a oneshot on the second timer is most apropriate.

What do you think?


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