This is probably not really a NuttX question per se, but it relates to
getting the MCAN interface for a sama5d2 to work properly. And you are all
such knowledgable and helpful people :)


The MCAN controllers assume the base address of the message ram is at
0x200000+offsets. 0x200000 is the internal SRAM whereas everything else is
in DDR from 0x2000000. I will readily confess that this side of programming
is my very weakest!!


I will, I believe, need to declare - place - MCAN related structures such
that they (or at least some elements of them) are in SRAM. 


Is that possible? "CONFIG_MM_REGIONS" related maybe?


What does the internal SRAM get used for as the file lists
nothing there at all.


Or have I got it wrong and this isn't the way to sort it -  perhaps the
processor DMA "matrix" stuff (hope not - don't understand the datasheet
section on this at all!)?







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