On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 12:24 PM Tim <t...@jti.uk.com.invalid> wrote:
> This is probably not really a NuttX question per se, but it relates to
> getting the MCAN interface for a sama5d2 to work properly. And you are all
> such knowledgable and helpful people :)
> The MCAN controllers assume the base address of the message ram is at
> 0x200000+offsets. 0x200000 is the internal SRAM whereas everything else is
> in DDR from 0x2000000. I will readily confess that this side of programming
> is my very weakest!!
> I will, I believe, need to declare - place - MCAN related structures such
> that they (or at least some elements of them) are in SRAM.
> Is that possible? "CONFIG_MM_REGIONS" related maybe?

Yes. It is possible. It is done by adding attributes in the code which
tell the compiler that an object should be located at a particular
address or section. If in a section, then the section needs to be
declared in the linker script.

See the docstring of gran_initialize() in mm/mm_gran/mm_graninit.c for
an explanation.

This StackOverflow question (and answers) might be helpful:


Be mindful of making sure that nothing will overlap the same area of
memory. For an example where I ran into that kind of gotcha:


and the discussion linked from there:


Don't know whether you need to be concerned with CONFIG_MM_REGIONS or not.

Hope this helps!

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