Okay, so Gregory honored me with the maintenance of nuttx.com and
nuttx.org domains, thank You Greg!! :-)

Both (www.)nuttx.org and (www.)nuttx.com now redirects to
https://nuttx.apache.org :-)

I have also created a dedicated hosting account with MySQL / CGI / PHP
/ Python / Ruby capabilities, so we can setup some sort of portal if
necessary. The simplest to setup and maintain would be wordpress for
some soft of blog, it could be also simple static page (i.e.
conference website). Although I would prefer everything to happen
under Apache ubrella to keep all-in-one approach, there might be a
situation where dedicated website would be necessary, this is
possible, just let me know :-)

If you need some sort of NuttX website support and maintenance also
let me know I will be happy to help :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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