There is nuttx/drivers/input of course - only just remembered; I'll see if 
anything "generic" fits there for this.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: TimH <>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:04 PM
>Subject: RE: Touchscreen scaling/LVGL
>I'm thinking:
>1) that the LVGL Gregory linked to is a contender for the graphical
>interface, only for LVGL of course, to do the calibration
>2) The existing calibration routines in nuttx-apps (e.g. ccalibration for
>NXWM as suggested by Alan C. Assis) is a great alternative for non-LVGL
>3) Developers can write their own front end if preferred.
>All produce the necessary offsets and scale factors etc.
>In my case, the screen is only used by pudgy, often gloved, fingers so
>absolute accuracy is not required; any variations between displays are
>not an issue as there are large touch button areas that are difficult to
>That just leaves the question of where/how to calculate compensated x/y
>co-ordinates that take the offsets into account.
>I see there is CONFIG_TSCALIBRATION used by platform_setconfig, currently
>only used by mikroe boards that I can see, along with some structs (i.e.
>sCalibrationData) but there is no "generic" TSD driver in nuttx/drivers.
>Perhaps that is something that one day might be a useful enhancement, as
>it could then standardise the struct(s) etc. and provide "methods" along
>the lines of efuse, power/supply, and so on.
>Ultimately, the offsets/scaling do need to be applied somewhere though,
>and to me, IOCTL to the ADC driver feels right. In the case of the SAMA5
>a read via the character driver is what actually initiates a TSD sample,
>so the overhead of calculating offsets seems acceptable, but other
>processors/implementations could do this on a timer etc so it's not a
>definitive approach.
>I will implement IOCTLs, using the sCalibrationData struct as the
>argument and see how I get on.
>>From: Gregory Nutt <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 7:51 PM
>>On 5/23/2023 12:11 PM, Tim Hardisty wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A touchscreen peripheral (SAMA5D2 as it happens) delivers X and Y
>>coordinates scaled 0-4095.
>>> LVGL wants them scaled to the actual size of the display (800x480 in
>>> my
>>> 2) Enhance the chip's TSD driver after all, using a Kconfig setting
>>> to
>>enable X/Y scaling to the display's size (set in board-specific files
>>Many touchscreens require calibration by the application via a
>>calibration screen.  Hence, only the application knows the scale
>>factors to use and so scaling is done by the application.
>>Scaling could also be done by the driver using calibration information
>>provided via an IOCTL.  All resistive touchscreens require calibration.
>>If your touchscreen does not require calibration, then I suppose it
>>could even be provided by a configuration setting.
>>Raw, unscaled input is also needed by the application, however (in
>>order to do calibration, for one).
>>Scaling in the driver could also be inefficient since the driver does
>>not know if the sample will be used or not.  It might be better to to
>>scale in the application even if calibration is not necessary.
>>A quick Google provides some references for touchscreen calibration
>>  *
>>  *
>>The are other calibration displays under nutts-apps/ (not for LVGL)

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