Hi Nathan,

Thanks for the reply.  The round-robin interval was set to 200ms and
reducing it down to 10 marginally improved the transfer speed.  Our current
code base and dev board is running a slightly quicker clock than what I
used when I measured 75KiB/s, and the current setup is transferring at
100KiB/s with a RR interval of 200 and this increases to 135KiB/s with a RR
interval of 10ms.

Yes I do have access to an oscilloscope and logic analyzer so will
endeavour to obtain some traces tomorrow to rule in/out possible unexpected
delays and/or noise.

*Kind regards,*

*Radek Pesina*

On Wed, 31 May 2023 at 11:33, Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com>

> On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 8:07 PM Radek Pesina <radek.pes...@motec.com.au>
> wrote:
> (snip)
>  *Configurations Tested:*
> >
> > For eMMC, I've tried optimising the menuconfig settings to improve it,
> > including options such as below.   However, the performance remains
> > lacking:
> >
> >    - Turning on CONFIG_MEMCPY_VIK gave slight improvement
> >    - Setting USEC_PER_TICK to 1000 or below gave most improvement,
> however
> >    at the detriment of other aspects of the system. The fastest speeds
> >    observed by adjusting this was ~370KiB/s write and 700KiB/s read
> though
> >    overall this was unacceptable given the effect on the rest of the
> > system.
> >    - Adjusting LittleFS parameters (e.g.
> >    - Ensuring SD/eMMC DMA read/writes are enabled.
> >    - Setting MMCSD_MULTIBLOCK_LIMIT to 0
> >
> (snip)
> Out of curiosity, what is the value of CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL, and, if you
> reduce it to something like 20 or 10, does that show any improvement?
> Do you have an oscilloscope or logic analyzer available to monitor the
> signals between the microcontroller and MMC? That might shed additional
> light on this. E.g., extremely noisy signals, intermittent signals,
> unexpectedly long delays between bursts of communication, etc.
> Nathan

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