There is an inexistent, ignored entry in apps called external. By creating
a symlink called external you should end up with no, as you called "poop".
I assume that you mean no extra files or modifications in NuttX

On Tue, 12 Sep 2023, 19:58 Mike Moretti, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to do custom apps outside the tree without "pooping" in
> the apps directory?  The docs show 3 ways to do custom apps, but they
> all require modifying the apps directory in some way, either by putting
> your custom apps in the apps directory, or making a symlink there.  I'd
> prefer not to modify the apps directory at all, to make it easier to
> update from the official apps git repo when new versions come out.  This
> also gets in the way of us using the apps directory as a git submodule.
> Thanks,
> -m

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