On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 10:03 PM Gregory Nutt wrote:
> On 3/13/2024 2:42 PM, Tomek CEDRO wrote:
> > You want Rust in the core go ahead write RustOS have fun maintaining it for 
> > 5 years and show us its better :-)
> You are probably right in that.  It would probably be necessary have to
> be a different OS if any extensive amount of Rust is used.  POSIX
> defines a C interface to the OS with C function prototypes and C data
> types.  I haven't looked at this carefully, but a significant use of
> Rust might jeopardize POSIX compatibility (or require a mess of C
> conversion wrappers).  It would probably be better to have a pure RustOS
> with a non-POSIX, but POSIX-like OS interface.
> I am not a language chauvinist, but I think we should avoid the
> complexity and maintenance issues of a mixed language solution (as
> enumerated by others in this thread).

I can see Lup is already on the GH thread this is good news :-) I
would suggest to limit Rust for the Application part and see how it
works.. just as we have Basic, Python, Lua, Zig, etc working on top of
existing untouched POSIX RTOS architecture.. then create several demos
using display sound etc to show others how to port Rust applications
to NuttX :-)

Below are my concerns in depth for our internal discussion.. maybe you
have similar thoughts.. and you can safely ignore that part :-)

There are some Rust based OS already out there. Look how many! Some of
them does not even plan to support security mitigations, sensor
devices, BLE, WIFI, etc. Why? How does setup of those Rust OS SDK
compares to current NuttX environment setup and build times??


Instead of injecting unimaginable maintenance nightmare into existing
minimalistic projects Rust fans can simply focus on building new
alternative solutions and prove these are better in practice - by
results - they need to build commercial products on top of their OS,
ship it, maintain it, take full responsibility for the results, after
some years we will see how it works. I will be first to congratulate
and buy a good Open-Source based Rust product. But right now that push
for injecting Rust into all possible OS/RTOS seems really suspicious
not to say viral and dangerous!!

Lup can do magic with NuttX like running applications written in other
programming languages and convert NuttX code to different programming
languages in order to run on new platforms and environments. All is
done in non-invasive way, respecting current architecture and backward
compatibility, adding new functionality that is optional and diamond
clean in maintenance. This is the only way to go! :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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