I´m giving my opinion, because it seems obvious to me that if you
reject a patch, the contributor will correct it in the 99% of the
times...and will learn, so the next time he probably won´t commit the
same mistakes.
This way we reduce the effort to the few commiters increasing the
chances for them to commit other patches....

Stronger policies: +1

2007/1/16, David E. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ummm... what do you think when you think of a rejection policy? We
already have patch rejection policies when problems are found...


On Jan 15, 2007, at 9:44 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> I agree.  I think it's better that we strongly
> encourage certain practices (as we are doing now) and
> bring people to notice when those practices could be
> improved, but rejection policies put your _means
> perspective ahead of your _ends.  Contributions may be
> easier to review, but I can gaurantee you with
> rejection policies, you will then have less of it to
> review and thereby less solutions making it back into
> the project.
> --- "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, we want more people, but I don't think anyone
>> wants
>> indiscriminate changes going into SVN! I hate
>> surprises when I check
>> out as much as the next guy, probably more than the
>> next guy in many
>> cases.
>> Thinking about the next guy is the real key here.
>> You may want to get
>> your patches in ASAP, but if your patch breaks
>> existing code (for
>> example), then that needs to be fixed before the
>> commit is done
>> (either by the committer, the contributor, or an
>> interested third
>> party).
>> So, yeah, that slows things down and is
>> inconvenient, but keep in
>> mind that a large portion of patches that come into
>> OFBiz break
>> existing functionality. This seems to happen around
>> once a week or
>> so, at least.
>> It's great that people want to contribute, but in or
>> to contribute to
>> something as large and complex as OFBiz a large
>> amount of effort is
>> necessary, and anyone that wants to help out will
>> err on the side of
>> extra effort, caution and review, and consideration
>> of more general
>> requirements and designs rather just one's own
>> requirements.
>> -David
>> On Jan 15, 2007, at 7:42 PM, Jonathon -- Improov
>> wrote:
>>> Heh. True. I definitely want MORE people involved
>> in OFBiz.
>>> But since I'm not a committer, I'd rather make
>> things easier for
>>> the committers. I have no control over how easy or
>> difficult it is
>>> to handle patches with "extra unintended
>> footprints".
>>> If I were a committer, I would try to
>> automatically filter out
>>> formatting changes in my audit, and then INCLUDE
>> the formatting
>>> changes. After all, there's no harm removing some
>> extra spaces at
>>> the end of lines, part of clean up.
>>> We often try to make things easier for the person
>> who is doing a
>>> task that we have no control over. Eg, I'd keep my
>> mouth really
>>> wide open for my dentist just so his vision is
>> 20/20, no arguments
>>> from me; I could afford to be slack about this
>> "mouth wide-open
>>> policy" if I were able to do the dentistry myself.
>>> But you're certainly right that it'll exclude some
>> people,
>>> especially folks who use editors that do not give
>> very much control
>>> to users.
>>> Jonathon
>>> Chris Howe wrote:
>>>> I don't know that rejection policies are very
>>>> community friendly.  Treating SVN code changes
>> like
>>>> the keeper of the Bridge of Death (Monty Python
>>>> Reference, smile) may find less people willing to
>> do
>>>> in this do-ocracy.  Many of us rather like what's
>> left
>>>> of our anarco-sydicalist commune (oh look,
>> there's
>>>> another :-) ).
>>>> --- Jonathon -- Improov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> David,
>>>>> I agree with the rejection policy.
>>>>> One suggestion on procedure to take when
>>>>> self-reviewing a patch before submitting it.
>> Look at
>>>>> the diff to see if there are changes we cannot
>> account
>>>>> for. Using KDiff also makes things easier, even
>> when dealing with
>>>>> formatting changes.
>>>>> In Emacs, it's also easy to go through every set
>> of
>>>>> changes, do an interactive-search for 1st entry
>> of each set, and
>>>>> see if the 2nd entry is
>>>>> highlighted similarly. Meaning, if it is
>> highlighted similarly,
>>>>> the set of changes is bogus
>>>>> (formatting only).
>>>>> In general, we should submit patches that are
>>>>> intentional, ie just the intended changes only.
>> We should not
>>>>> submit patches that contain unintended
>>>>> changes that have extra unintended footprints.
>>>>> Jonathon
>>>>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>>>>> Moving this back to the mailing list...
>>>>>> On Jan 15, 2007, at 5:34 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>> When reviewing a patch lines with  formatting
>>>>> changes only are
>>>>>>>> EXTREMELY time consuming, and the patch
>>>>> attached that issue is a
>>>>>>>> good example of a painful one. For each of
>>>>> those line you have to
>>>>>>>> stare at it looking at every character trying
>>>>> to figure out what the
>>>>>>>> point of the bloody change was, or to make
>> sure
>>>>> that the change is
>>>>>>>> "invisible"...
>>>>>>> That really puzzles me. You keep mentioning
>>>>> formatting changes when I
>>>>>>> don't see any. I didn't make any formatting
>>>>> changes when modifying the
>>>>>>> files. Even now when I look at the patch in
>> Jira,
>>>>> it shows only the
>>>>>>> lines I changed in the file.
>>>>>>> *shrug*
>>>>>> As others may have the same question I'll
>> answer
>>>>> it on the mailing list.
>>>>>> Below is the first section from the
>>>>> framework_v2.patch file on the
>> [https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-605]
>>>>> issue.
>>>>>> Each change is marked with a "-" for a line
>>>>> removed or a "+" for a line
>>>>>> added.
>>>>>> First Set: formatting, or "invisible" change
>>>>>> Second Set: add comment (not necessary, BTW as
>> it
>>>>> describes something
>>>>>> that no longer exists; if people want to see
>> old
>>>>> stuff they can look at
>>>>>> the SVN history); remove tabstyles.css link tag
>>>>>> Third Set: formatting, or "invisible" change
>>>>>> Of all of these changes, only the "remove
>>>>> tabstyles.css link tag" was
>>>>>> actually intended and necessary, but getting to
>>>>> this fact when reviewing
>>>>>> the changes takes some time... this making it
>> more
>>>>> difficult to review,
>>>>>> commit, etc.
>>>>>> People tend to slip things into patches
>>>>> accidentally all the time. I'm
>>>>>> tempted to begun the voting process for a new
>>>>> policy that says that if
>>>>>> there is anything in the patch file not
>> described
>>>>> in the summary of the
>>>>>> patch, then it will be rejected...
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>> Index: common/webcommon/includes/header.ftl
> === message truncated ===

Guido Amarilla

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