Just to toss one more potential "standard" for id and
class for OFBiz, every screen that is called from the
controller should have a unique id for the body tag. 
This will make it easy to uniquely identify elements
for specific pages, as necessary.  I came across that
the other day somewhere and it seemed so simply
obvious that I was surprised I hadn't come across it

--- Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got my CSS books yesterday and I stayed up all
> night reading them. *yawn* 
> *blink blink*
> I ended up getting CSS Mastery by Andy Budd, and
> Transcending CSS by Andy 
> Clarke. Both books received a lot of good reviews
> from readers and they turned 
> out to be excellent choices. After reading them, I
> concluded that we were pretty 
> much on the right track with the CSS coding
> guideline suggestions made so far. 
> There were a couple of concepts introduced in the
> books that I would like to add 
> to the list.
> Now that I feel adequately educated, I'm ready to
> help move the CSS effort 
> along. For starters, I really, REALLY need a
> committer to look at Jira issue 
> OFBIZ-605
> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-605)
> and get it 
> committed. Mailing list members who objected to the
> idea of a single stylesheet 
> will have their "day in court" again in the future.
> I'd like to see another 
> discussion of splitting the styles up once the
> consolidated style sheet is 
> refined and complete.
> Chris Howe put the "drastically changed" maincss.css
> file into a new Jira issue 
> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-633).
> That Jira issue is being used 
> as a type of sandbox to try out CSS ideas. Once the
> techniques in that issue are 
> proven project-worthy, we can then go back to the
> existing code and make 
> incremental changes to OFBiz to get those techniques
> implemented in the main 
> project. To restate: OFBIZ-633 is experimental - it
> is NOT intended to be 
> included in the project as-is.
> I noticed there has been some activity along these
> lines in Jira. Some of it is 
> pretty old. The CSS effort as a whole seems to be
> floundering because of lack of 
> direction or cohesion. There are plenty of
> contributors taking a stab at this, 
> but some of the work is incomplete or incorrectly
> implemented. So, I'd like to 
> volunteer as a coordinator. I can set up an umbrella
> Jira issue that links to 
> the existing and future sub-tasks. I'd like to set
> up a web page of CSS coding 
> guidelines (that we've all agreed on) so that the
> contributors are all working 
> toward the same goal.
> Speaking of CSS coding guidelines, Transcending CSS
> recommends keeping layout 
> details out of CSS class names and IDs. I like that
> idea. Class names/IDs like 
> "TopLeftColumn" or "BottomRightTabbar" imply layout.
> Names/IDs should describe 
> the content they style - not where they will be
> placed.
> So, if there are no objections, I'd like to start
> down this path:
> 1. Put a CSS coding guidelines RFC on the dev
> mailing list. Wait a few days for 
> comments.
> 2. Put the agreed-upon guidelines on a web page
> (umbrella Jira issue or Wiki page).
> 3. Create the umbrella CSS effort Jira issue. Link
> to existing CSS issues as 
> sub-tasks. Create new sub tasks.
> 4. Monitor progress, keep things moving in the right
> direction.
> 5. Coordinate with committers to get tested code
> back into the project.
> I'm committed to seeing this through until it is
> done.
> Let me know what you think.
> -Adrian

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