
From: "Adrian Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> > Adrian,
> >
> > IMO it may be possible to use only Firefox or even IE 7 for backend (and 
> > recommend them).
> >
> > Just a question I'm asking myself : could that have any implications in the 
> > future ?
> >
> > Jacques
>  From what I've read, newer CSS standards should make layout easier, and I'm
> sure once those become available the OFBiz developers will take advantage of 
> them.

Sure !

> Browsers seem to be doing a better job of following the standards with each 
> new
> version. So overall I see things improving. The latest version of Firefox and 
> IE
> do an excellent job of layout - everything behaves as it should, and there are
> few quirks.
> In other words, if we stick to the published standards, and the browsers do 
> the
> same, then we shouldn't be too concerned about the future.
> In the process of working on the conversion from table-based layout to 
> div-based
> layout, I discovered a HUGE difference in the way older browsers handle 
> layout.
> At first I thought I would just put in a few hacks to support older browsers. 
> I
> quickly discovered that there are many of them and getting all of them to 
> render
> the same page decently is near impossible. I gave up on that attempt and 
> settled
> on supporting the most recent ones (which would include IE 6). My thought was 
> it
> would be easier to support fewer browsers. That's when I discovered that just
> getting IE 6 to render properly is a nightmare.

Yes that's explained Jeffrey Zeldman in his book. And why it was recommending 
continue to use table in such case. But we are not in
the same situation, specially for backend : we may indeed recommend 1 or 2 
browsers and that's all.

> So, as far as the back office applications are concerned, I don't think it's
> unreasonable to code to the current standards and the browsers that conform to
> them. It's a waste of time to worry about any of the older browsers.

It's ok to me, eCommerce is another beast ! But I guess we have not to worry 
much about it too because I guess nobody is really
using OFBiz eCommerce component OOTB. So we may end up with the same conclusion 
: recommend 2 or 3 browsers (I guess Opera 9.02 is
doing a good job too). FDYT folks ?


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