David E. Jones wrote:

You could even go a step further and call the service that generates the PDF asynchronously, and then have it call a service to print the PDF from the server (ie have the server connected to the printer, or accessing it over the network). Then as documents are ready they just go right to the printer.


What about implementing something more robust in this direction?
I'm thinking of implementing document processor and distribution features for the OFBiz framework.
The idea is this:

* when a user submits a report creation request (e.g. an invoice), he has also to provide the distribution channel (file, mail, print, fax, etc...) and also the physical device options (to and cc email address, printer name, fax number etc...) * the request is stored in a record somewhere (a new entity or something existing, in the Content component?, or just the JobSandbox entity) with the following information:

jobId|status|screen path|input context(serialized?)|output channel (print/mail etc...)|output options (e.g. \\printserver\prt01, num of copies etc..)

* an async service listens to this entity and process the report creation requests, then updates the status there

For set of documents we could simply create many records in the above entity.

Does it make sense?


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