One way to go about release is how other Open Source projects specially ASF projects do the releases. Standard generally these projects follow are Milestones (e.g. M1, M2,...), Release Candidates (RC1, RC2,...) and final release.

Geronimo has this document ( explaining their release process in detail. Similar to this will be useful for Ofbiz.



David E. Jones wrote:

This is a good list, though we can probably drop off anything related to a marketing concern for now, like preparing a press release.

At this point the developer/committer community in OFBiz seems to be _too_ busy, and a bunch of new user traffic coming into the project might be difficult to handle, and therefore contribute to the already fairly large pile up of un-addressed issues (we need help reviewing, commenting, etc as a pre-review to help committers, and this is a great way to move toward becoming a committer!).

Also, we should probably wait for a couple of months for the branch to stabilize and get patched up with fixes before we do a major binary release on it and call it a real release, even a beta quality one. We could do a binary release immediately and flag it as beta or something... but unless someone wants to invest in testing before the branch, the testing will only be done through usage of the release branch after it exists.


On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:35 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

I think that we have to make a plan.
What I think should be done before/for the release is at least:

1) fix or resolve at least the critical bugs: 2) of course, prepare the distribution as described here: 3) it would be nice to add a new ROOT index page to list all the available applications (including the specialpurpose ones), give some basic information about OFBiz (similar to the ones in the Webtools main page, that I'd like to remove from there)
4) prepare a good press release
5) update the site's main page to announce it and update the download page


Si Chen wrote:
What are the plans for doing the next OFBIZ release?

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