One thing I learned in projects, is do a sky blue then cut down to the
Practical here, IMHO, is to get a freeze point (branch), Make some
milestones to fix the bugs.
If we keep going on features, there never will be release, IMHO.

David E. Jones sent the following on 4/16/2007 1:59 PM:
> Maybe this question can help get this discussion flowing:
> For everyone who is interested in seeing this release happen, what
> result do you want to see from the release?
> There may be other questions that are important, but if we could get
> some feedback on this one, that would help with something more than
> "whenever we want to" for the planning side of this.
> -David
> On Apr 16, 2007, at 3:08 PM, Si Chen wrote:
>> Don't you have a 35-hour work week limit in France?
>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> XP advise to work no more than 40 hours a week. Realist ?
>>> I hope to do it one day :o)
>>> Jacques
>>>> So far my solicitations for opinions on this have yielded
>>>> approximately 0 responses. That being the case, it will happen when I
>>>> or someone gets interested enough in it to do the branch.
>>>> Also, without responses the branch will basically just include
>>>> whatever it includes. No specific features have been listed for
>>>> implementation before the branch. No specific bugs have been listed
>>>> for fixing before the branch.
>>>> For my part I won't be getting aggressive on this until late May or
>>>> early June. I simply don't have the time (eighty hour work weeks,
>>>> plus tax season, plus I'm getting married in three weeks and the week
>>>> after is JavaOne...). So yeah, the timing is just a tad inconvenient.
>>>> Still, if any one of the PMC members wants to drive this, I'll
>>>> certainly support it in spirit and in effort where I can.
>>>> -David
>>>> On Apr 16, 2007, at 11:02 AM, Si Chen wrote:
>>>>> So what are the plans right now for starting a release?
>>>>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>>>>> Here is that document for OFBiz:
>>>>>> http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/Release+Plan
>>>>>> It hasn't been changed in a while, and it is clear about the
>>>>>> preliminary nature of an initial release based on a release
>>>>>> branch, but there is no real name for it yet. I guess my thought
>>>>>> was really in two parts: the fact that the initial release isn't a
>>>>>> big deal and shouldn't have press/marketing activity around it,
>>>>>> and that we need to come up with a name or a way of denoting the
>>>>>> preliminary nature of the initial release from the branch.
>>>>>> In general the nature of OFBiz and therefore the release process
>>>>>> is somewhat different from more infrastructure oriented projects,
>>>>>> even those at the ASF, so how this all works out over time is
>>>>>> still up in the air and what we have in the Release Plan is just
>>>>>> our best guess and effort based on current understanding of
>>>>>> limitations, resources, motivations of community participants, etc.
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> On Apr 4, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Raj Saini wrote:
>>>>>>> One way to go about release is how other Open Source projects
>>>>>>> specially ASF projects do the releases. Standard generally these
>>>>>>> projects follow are Milestones (e.g. M1, M2,...), Release
>>>>>>> Candidates (RC1, RC2,...) and final release.
>>>>>>> Geronimo has this document (http://geronimo.apache.org/project-
>>>>>>> policies.html) explaining their release process in detail.
>>>>>>> Similar to this will be useful for Ofbiz.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Raj
>>>>>>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is a good list, though we can probably drop off anything
>>>>>>>> related to a marketing concern for now, like preparing a press
>>>>>>>> release.
>>>>>>>> At this point the developer/committer community in OFBiz seems
>>>>>>>> to be _too_ busy, and a bunch of new user traffic coming into
>>>>>>>> the project might be difficult to handle, and therefore
>>>>>>>> contribute to the already fairly large pile up of un-addressed
>>>>>>>> issues (we need help reviewing, commenting, etc as a pre-review
>>>>>>>> to help committers, and this is a great way to move toward
>>>>>>>> becoming a committer!).
>>>>>>>> Also, we should probably wait for a couple of months for the
>>>>>>>> branch to stabilize and get patched up with fixes before we do a
>>>>>>>> major binary release on it and call it a real release, even a
>>>>>>>> beta quality one. We could do a binary release immediately and
>>>>>>>> flag it as beta or something... but unless someone wants to
>>>>>>>> invest in testing before the branch, the testing will only be
>>>>>>>> done through usage of the release branch after it exists.
>>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>>> On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:35 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think that we have to make a plan.
>>>>>>>>> What I think should be done before/for the release is at least:
>>>>>>>>> 1) fix or resolve at least the critical bugs: https://
>>>>>>>>> issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?
>>>>>>>>> reset=true&pid=12310500&priority=2&resolution=-1
>>>>>>>>> 2) of course, prepare the distribution as described here:
>>>>>>>>> http://docs.ofbiz.org/x/1wE
>>>>>>>>> 3) it would be nice to add a new ROOT index page to list all
>>>>>>>>> the available applications (including the specialpurpose ones),
>>>>>>>>> give some basic information about OFBiz (similar to the ones in
>>>>>>>>> the Webtools main page, that I'd like to remove from there)
>>>>>>>>> 4) prepare a good press release
>>>>>>>>> 5) update the site's main page to announce it and update the
>>>>>>>>> download page
>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> What are the plans for doing the next OFBIZ release?

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