
Just a quick note, after having gone through the widget form and screen codes.

There is certainly some duplication in some widget classes. However, I don't see enough similarity among all widgets to warrant any exercise in "mathematically rigorous reduction". I can't fathom having to spend large amounts of time to boil down all widgets into a single formula.

But still, I agree that some cleaning up can be done.

IMHO, the codes there are clean enough. Look at the way the widgets are funneled through readSubWidgets() or something.

The rendering in HtmlFormRenderer may seem messy, but that's probably because the same attributes for different widgets are supposed to be rendered quite differently. That layer is too close to the front-end to benefit from a reduction.


Adrian Crum wrote:
David E. Jones wrote:

------- Original Message -------
From: Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 4/6/07, 4:54:11 PM
Subject: Screen Widget Ideas

I've been playing around with the screen widget java code to implement a few enhancements. One thing I noticed is there is a lot of redundant code and the widgets aren't consistent in how they are constructed/used.

What parts of the code are you finding redundant? I guess in other words... Could you be more specific?

They all load the same basic set of attributes. They also have a number of methods in common.

I would like to refactor the widgets to make better use of OOP - which will reduce code and make the widgets more consistent. Before I get started, I would like to put some of my ideas on the mailing list to see what everyone thinks.

1. Have all widgets contain a common set of attributes (or properties). Since the widgets are used mostly for HTML output, they should at least contain the standard HTML attributes. The standard attributes might not have meaning to other rendering methods or some types of widgets.

(HTML standard attributes -

I am 100% against this. Once we make it as complex and verbose as html we will have destyoyed the point of the tool.

The problem I ran into during the UI refactor was this - some widgets supported IDs and styles, others did not. At the time I added those attributes to the widgets I was targeting, but ideally those attributes should be a part of all of them.

The goal for all ofbiz tools is to do 90% of what you need efficiently and generically and quickly, not 100% of what you need pooy. The form wigdet is not and never will be html or fill the same need.

The funny thing about the widgets is, they make complex tasks simple, and at the same time they make simple tasks complex. In my opinion, the widgets get a C in doing 90% of what I need efficiently.

3. Create base classes for the model widgets and renderer classes. The base classes would contain the code that all of the model widgets/renderers share, and each type of model widget/renderer will be derived from the common base class.

We need more details here... What, for example at least, would go into these base classes?

I agree there needs to be more detail. I worked on my ideas over the weekend. I hope to have the base classes submitted to Jira within a few days. They will be there for everyone to analyze and critique.

As I mentioned, the base classes would contain the code that all of the widgets seem to share.

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