
Are the images you included in your JIRA bundle free for use?


On Apr 23, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

A lot of progress has been made since the last update.

The Webtools and Accounting components have been refactored. One of the committers re-introduced deprecated styles in the Webtools component (*cough* Andrew *cough*) so I had to go through it again. Committers - please watch out for this. Let's not go backwards.

The masthead (header), main navigation bar, and footer have been refactored. The new HTML markup makes the page layout extremely flexible. For instance, you can now move the masthead, main navigation, and footer to other locations on the screen, just by making a few changes to the main style sheet.

If you have been updating your local copy of OFBiz regularly, you probably get the impression that the main navigation bar is having an identity crisis. Actually, we're just trying to come up with a style that everyone likes. If anyone would like to contribute their own style, they are welcome to do so.

I submitted a new style for the project which has gotten some initial positive feedback - OFBIZ-918. Go check it out and vote for it if you like it.

The refactoring effort has made a serious impact on the amount of markup generated. Pages that used to contain 100 to 200 DIVs now have 12 to 20.

Looking to the future -

I started taking a look at the Order and Product components. They have hundreds of files and I believe some of them are shared with the eCommerce component. I'm not sure where to go from here on those two. If I refactor them, then that might break eCommerce - since its style sheet doesn't contain the new styles.

I'm working on some ideas for a collapsible masthead. It will enable a user to free up more screen space.

I hope to take a look at the menu widget soon. I'd like to have it support nested menus - so that we can have fancy cascaded or flyout menus.


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