David E Jones wrote:
Please step outside of yourself a little bit and realize that your experiences are not the same as the whole world and that perhaps you're not in a position to speak for the whole world.

lol - That's the position *you've* taken, not me. Daniel and I have expressed a different view than yours, and you're trying to argue that yours is the "best" one. I'm trying to make a point that we have two different requirements, therefore OFBiz should attempt to accomodate both requirements. You're saying that the OFBiz users who have different requirements than yours don't matter, or that they aren't well traveled, or they are confused and don't know what's best for them.

> Also, which systems or
even types of systems have you used?
OFBiz is (or aspires to be!) a global friendly corporate scale ERP system.


wrong about the format? What about the poor users (like me!) who travel and use web sites around the world and always have to guess about the date format, sometimes getting it wrong and would really just like to have thing s be consistent and in a format that is sortable and makes sense so I can think of time increments largest to smallest?

Let's apply the same argument to currency. Why should we support anything other than US dollars? It shouldn't take long for users accustomed to other currency to adapt, right? Why does OFBiz format currency according to locale? Aren't those currency formatting differences "funny local customs" too?

I think you're making this a bigger issue than it needs to be. All of the date/time formatting has to be run through some kind of conversion method anyway, so why not add to that method a simple if statement that checks a property in general.properties? If the server is set up to use yyyy-mm-dd formatting, then use it. Otherwise, format the date/time according to the user's locale. It doesn't require any additional programming effort. Problem solved. Everybody's happy.

Of course, we should really give this some time and let others express their opinions.

I agree. We've both made our points. I'm done.


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