Hi all,

I'd like to discuss with you all about the idea of implementing screen widget output caching.

Goal: minimize the db/service hits for rather static screens (for example a category or product detail screen in the ecommerce); this could be done by implementing screen widget output caching that prevents the screen widget actions (and possibly ftl) from running

Draft/proposal for implementation:

a) add new attributes in the screen definition for cache settings (e.g. cache="true|false" etc...) b) the cache key can be derived from the screen name and the "parameters" map (the output UtilHttp.getCombinedMap(...)) that represents the input context for screens c) associated to the cache key we will cache the final output of the screen (html code or xsl-fo code...) d) if the cache is enabled for a given screen, the input "parameters" map is used as a key for the cache system, if no value is found, then the screen (actions + froms + ftl templates) is run as usual and the output is rendered and stored in the cache (with key screen name + "parameters"); if the value is found, then the output is retrieved from memory and sent to the user (no actions and ftl are executed)

A different option would be that of storing the output context in the cache and serve it to the ftl (instead of storing the output html/xsl-fo).

I'd love to get your feedback about this, ideas/concerns,


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